Saturday 21 March 2020

Penis Bumps From Lipoma

The popular image of the penis imagines a very smooth organ, perhaps with some raised veins, but generally smooth. In fact, many if not most penises have some kind of penis bumps, even if they are tiny and pale like Fordyce spots. There are other common forms of penis bumps, like PPP (pearly penile papules) or even just plain old acne, which don’t have a significant penis health issue. But there are also some other penis bumps that are less common, such as when a bump is a lipoma.

What is a lipoma?

A lipoma is rare but by no means unheard of, occurring in about 1 in 1000 people. However, lipomas appearing as penis bumps (rather than bumps on, say, the torso or the arms) is fairly rare - although again, by no means unheard of.

But what is a lipoma? It’s really nothing more than a tumor made up of an accumulation of fatty tissue. The term "tumor" tends to scare people, but these tumors are not cancerous and don’t typically cause any harm (which is certainly good news).

Although lipomas may cause penis bumps, a more accurate term might be penis lumps. Although they are small for lumps, they are rather big for bumps, sometimes reaching a size of about 2 inches across. A lipoma may appear singularly, but usually there are more than one.

Because the lipoma is made of fat, it isn’t hard and solid, but a bit pliable. Usually if it is pressed on, it moves slightly or indents a bit. In most cases, a lipoma isn’t painful, although if it is situated right on or near a nerve, it could cause some discomfort, especially if it is touched or if pressure is placed upon it. In some instances, a lipoma may form on a muscle, and that can also cause some pain.

What causes it?

Although lipomas have been around for quite a while, doctors don’t have a definite answer on what causes them. However, because they often run in families, it would appear that there may be a genetic component to them. A lipoma is also something that doesn’t appear in younger people. Typically, a lipoma doesn’t occur until a person is in their 40s or 50s, and often much older.

Some physicians have noted that a lipoma is more likely to be created after an injury of some sort, but there also are some that do not seem to have been predated by an injury. Sometimes they come about in men with certain medical conditions, such as one known as Madelung’s disease.

Since a lipoma is usually harmless, doctors often don’t recommend treatment, unless a person feels that it is cosmetically necessary. However, if lipomas appear as penis bumps, they could impede sexual performance. Treatment generally consists of surgical removal or of liposuction. In the former, the lump would be cut out and removed; in the latter, a needle and syringe would be used to draw the fat out of the lump. In some cases, a doctor may try to use steroids instead, which may be able to shrink the lipoma.

Penis bumps from a lipoma can be an annoyance and may make a man aware of the importance of maintaining superior penis health via daily use of a first-class penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Take care in selecting an oil and choose one that contains a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D, and E. In addition, the better oils will also contain L-arginine, an amino acid that helps the body produce nitric oxide, which in turns helps maintain the health of penile blood vessels.

Friday 20 March 2020

Talk Dirty to Me: Masturbation and Audio Porn

A sneak peek into the browser history of most men will confirm a well-known supposition: that sexually most men are very visually inclined, hence the frequent and lengthy visits to various adult video sites. Many men supplement (or sometimes supersede) their imaginations with pornographic videos during their masturbation routines, just as in years past, pornographic magazines were a visual aid for the masturbation habits of men from those generations. (One could go back to ancient Greek and Egyptian pornographic art or perhaps even caveman drawings to continue this visual fixation men have with sex.) And since masturbation, in proper degree, is a benefit to penis health, why not use a little visual stimulus? However, for the guy who may be ready to try something different, he may want to work on stimulating another sense via the use of audio porn.

Tantalize the ears

Many sex experts recommend that men (and women) should explore using underutilized senses in their sexual activities, and that includes hearing. One of the benefits of audio porn is that it not only involves the ears and stimulates the penis but also involves and stimulates the mind and the imagination. As a man listens to a recording of audio porn, his mind creates an image to go along with what he is hearing, whether it is an intricate tale involving, say, a man, a woman, a desert island, and a bunch of coconuts, or just a series of short gasps and long moans.

A guy can find audio porn at numerous online sites, including many that specialize in allowing people to upload audio recordings of all kinds. Often all it takes is performing a search for keywords like "audio" and then whatever interests a man has - "sex," "gay," "masturbation," "oral sex," et cetera.


There are any number of audio porn options available for a man’s personal masturbation needs. A quick sampling indicates these options, for example:

- Oral description. A woman with a slightly breathy, sensual voice goes step by step through an oral sex encounter, from the time she makes contact with a man in the bar through her interests in the large bulge in his pants to her kneeling in front of him in the parking lot and her enjoyment of the taste of his semen.

- A happy nurse. A somewhat throaty but enticing female voice narrates her willingness to risk being fired from her job as a nurse as she provides a "You are there" description of how the male listener took her to flights of ecstasy in the emergency room.

- Steady ejaculation. One of many sex-related hypnosis tracks, a male hypnotist puts the listener "under," then implants in him a suggestion that any time he is home alone, his penis will slowly but steadily drip pre-ejaculation fluid until such time as he masturbates.

- Vocalese. A high-pitched, yet never shrill, woman’s voice breathes heavily, gasps, and moans in imitation of a prolonged orgasmic reaction.

Unless a man lives completely alone, or has partners or roommates with whom he is quite open about his enjoyment of masturbation (an ideal, if not always common, situation), he should be careful about playing the tracks too loudly. He may opt instead to use headphones or earbuds, but then needs to be aware that he may not hear other people approaching him.

Audio porn can be a boon to masturbation, as can regularly using a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For guys who masturbate their penis raw, an oil with moisturizing agents like shea butter and vitamin E can be especially soothing. Ideally, the oil should also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that helps maintain penis health by fighting oxidative stress.

Kidney Disease Can Cause an Itchy Penis

Kidney disease is a serious issue with many potential consequences. It is not typically considered in the context of penis health issues, but in fact kidney disease can in many instances impact penis health. For example, any men with kidney disease may also find that it can dampen their sex drive and/or cause or contribute to erectile dysfunction. In comparison, the fact that kidney disease can be responsible for an itchy penis may seem of lesser consequence - but an itchy penis can be an annoyance, indeed.

More about kidney disease

The NIDDK (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) estimates that more than 30 million American adults have chronic kidney disease (although not all have been diagnosed with it yet). Normally, healthy working kidneys take the blood in the body and filter out wastes and excess fluid, which they then send out of the body as urine. But when a person has kidney disease, the kidneys can’t function appropriately, and so wastes, fluids, and electrolytes build up in the blood, to dangerous levels.

What brings about kidney disease? There can be many causes. Diabetes and/or high blood pressure are two of the most common. (Twenty-three million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes; more than 65 million American adults have high blood pressure.) There are various other kidney and/or urinary conditions that can also contribute to the development of kidney disease. And heart disease is also a major factor in many people who then develop kidney disease.

In addition, people with a family history of kidney disease stand a greater chance of developing it themselves.

Often, kidney disease progresses slowly, and a person may not experience symptoms until the condition is fairly well progressed. Having kidneys checked regularly can help to discover a case earlier in its progress.

When symptoms do appear, there can be many of them - and, of course, a person may have only a few of these symptoms. The symptoms include chest pain, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, sleep issues, shortness of breath, weight loss, headaches, increased (or sometimes decreased) urination - and dry skin and itchiness.

Itchy penis

That last symptom explains why an itchy penis may come about due to kidney disease. As the kidneys lose their effectiveness, the skin around the penis (or anywhere else on the body) can become dry and itchy. More than 25 percent of people with kidney disease complain of itchy skin, often to the point that it can inhibit and interfere with their ability to sleep. Exactly how many men experience an itchy penis specifically is not noted, but it is assumed to be significant.

Because kidney disease is also associated with increased urination, a man may feel especially self-conscious about getting caught scratching an itchy penis, as it may be assumed by some that he is experiencing a need to urinate. A well-meaning nurse or friend may suggest that he visit the bathroom, when in fact he is responding to a need to scratch, not a need to urinate.

An itchy penis can be embarrassing all on its own, as men feel understandably self-conscious about scratching their penis in public (despite the fact that every many has an itchy penis at some time or another).

Kidney disease presents many challenges, of which an itchy penis is a minor one. Regular use of a first-rate penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help to alleviate some of the itchiness in some cases. This is especially true if the selected oil contains a combination of a high-end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to deliver significant moisturizing capability. In addition, the oil should contain a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, in order to prevent skin damage caused by free radicals.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Lack of Vitamin A Can Mean Dry Penis Skin

One aspect of maintaining good penis health is taking care of the delicate skin that covers the penis. When that skin is healthy, the penis has an appealing, attractive look that potential partners greatly appreciate. But when, say, there is dry penis skin, it can be a major turn-off to a bed mate, who wants a penis to look its best before getting more intimately acquainted with it. Dry penis skin can come about for many reasons. For example, sometimes a vitamin A deficiency may be the cause or a contributing factor to dry penis skin.

Yes, vitamin A

Everyone knows that vitamins are important for their health, but not everyone knows a great deal about most individual vitamins (other than that, say, vitamin C may be good for fighting colds, for example). And vitamin A may be one of the vitamins about which the average person knows very little. So let’s take a look at this important vitamin.

Vitamin A comes in 2 forms, preformed and provitamin. The former is found mostly in animal-derived food, like liver, dairy products, and fish. As might be surmised, therefore, the latter is primarily derived from plant-based sources (fruits and vegetables). Whichever kind a person gets, when it enters the body it makes its way to the liver, where it is stored until the body is ready to use it.

And what does the body use vitamin A for? Actually, quite a few things, including helping cells to grow, strengthening the immune system, aiding fetal development, improving vision health - and maintaining the health of the skin, as well.

Dry penis skin

Although vitamin A does not target dry penis skin specifically, its use in overall skin health makes it ideal for keeping the penis skin looking good and maintaining a fine degree of health. Both the dermis and the epidermis (two of the layers of skin) seek out vitamin A and drag it in. When the skin is not able to find enough vitamin A, it can cause a protein called keratin to run a little wild. With too much keratin, the skin dries and thickens, causing not only dry penis skin but also rough skin and sometimes the appearance of penis bumps. In some cases, it may take on a scaly appearance similar to that associated with eczema, none of which makes for a good-looking penis.

Source of vitamin A

So if lack of vitamin A is leading to a dry penis skin condition, it behooves a man to increase his vitamin A intake. One way to do this is by eating more foods that are rich in vitamin A. These include:

- Dairy products, such as milk, cream, eggs, and cheese

- Fish products, such as cod, tuna, halibut, and fish oil

- Organ meats, such as liver and kidneys

- Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach, and collard greens

- Foods with beta-carotene, such as carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes, squashes, pumpkins, mangoes, and peaches

Men can also help to add vitamin A to their bodies by taking vitamin supplements. Of course, whenever contemplating changing a diet or adding supplements, it pays to consult with a doctor in advance.

Preventing dry penis skin by maintaining healthy levels of vitamin A may be easier if a man daily applies a top-drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In order to be effective, the oil must of course contain vitamin A. As a bonus, vitamin A has the added benefit of helping to fight unwanted and persistent penis odor. Be sure that the chosen oil also contains adequate and appropriate moisturizing agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E.

Fighting Erectile Dysfunction: Healthy Teeth Equal a Healthy Penis

Bad breath in the bedroom may not be your only problem if you have gum disease; your dick may fail you too. Studies show that men in their 30s are 3 times more likely to have difficulty getting erections if they have gum disease. How could they possibly be related? When a man gets that sexual feeling, his healthy blood vessels naturally expand to increase blood flow throughout the body, a process known as vasodilation. However, when blood vessels are degraded by dirty mouths, it reduces dilation, blood flow decreases, and erections get weaker. Grab your floss and let’s talk about gum disease, how it affects boners, and how to make sure you have a healthy mouth and a healthy penis.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a common, preventable disease since it is usually caused by lax oral hygiene. It can lead to tooth loss, heart disease, and lung disease. Periodontitis presents as red, swollen, tender gums that can sometimes bleed. Gum disease is treated by professionally cleaning the pockets around the teeth to prevent damage to the surrounding bone. Sometimes surgery is necessary in extreme cases.

How Do Gum Disease and a Healthy Penis Correlate?

Okay, so you are probably thinking, "How could my gums affect my boner?" It seems like a stretch or an extra-scary ploy to get men to floss more; however, it’s a significant risk factor for erectile dysfunction. It all comes down to blood vessels.

Gum disease causes inflammation, but not just in the mouth, in the whole body. That inflammation has been shown to lead to the death of blood vessel cells in the penis in the same way that it does in the mouth. To have a strong, reliable erection, blood vessels don't have to just live, they have to be healthy and open to accept the burst of blood flow that causes an erection. Gum disease is also closely linked to heart disease, which, of course, also can cause a man to have a less than healthy penis.

How to Prevent Gum Disease for a Healthy Penis

How can a man prevent gum disease? It’s pretty simple, really. Keep your biannual appointments at the dentist for regular professional cleanings. As for daily maintenance, experts say to brush for 2 minutes at least twice each day. Be sure to use a toothpaste with fluoride and rinse the mouth well. Finally, floss at least once per day. A lot of people do not floss correctly, so ask your dentist or hygienist how to do it effectively if you’re not sure how. Using a water pik, electronic toothbrushes, and medicated rinses, like chlorhexidine, can also up the ante when it comes to gum health.

Other Tips for Getting a Healthy Penis

Taking care of your teeth is just one way to get a healthy penis. A healthy body in general helps prevent erectile dysfunction and promotes penis health. Here are 5 musts for a healthy penis:

- Engage in physical exercise daily to get the blood flowing.

- Eat a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources—be they meat or vegetarian/vegan options—healthy carbs, fiber, and plenty of fresh water.

- Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Men have between 3 and 4 erections each night while sleeping, and they are crucial for a healthy penis.

- Stay on point with your penis hygiene. Wash thoroughly with a mild cleanser, rinse well, and pat or air dry daily, or more often if working out or enjoying some intimacy.

- In addition to getting your penis-promoting nutrients via a healthy diet, infuse some more of that wholesome natural supplementation with a specially formulated penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven mild and safe for skin) daily. It incorporates vitamin C and L-arginine, which are blood flow boosters that help produce strong, vigorous erections. It’s a key step every man should integrate into his daily self-care regimen.

Penis Pain: Does It Mean Testicular Cancer?

When a man suffers from penis pain, his worst fears start to dance around in the back of his mind. Even if he knows, deep down, that nothing is seriously wrong, he will begin to worry about what might eventually happen. And for most guys, that includes worries about testicular cancer.

It is very important to check for testicular cancer on a regular basis. It can be a virtually silent problem, one that causes no penis pain at all until it is in advanced stages. That’s why men should always take the time, at least once a month, to examine themselves properly to ensure that there are no problems or changes in their little fellows. In addition, a guy should have an exam done with a board-certified urologist at least once a year to help ensure that he’s not missing anything.

Doing a self-check is pretty easy. A man simply has to manipulate his testicles, feeling them thoroughly, and learn about the certain "landmarks" that are supposed to be there versus something that feels different. The more familiar he is with his testicles, the more likely he will be to spot a problem as soon as it starts.

What to Know About Testicular Cancer

When a guy is feeling his boys, he needs to know what to look for. Here are some points to keep in mind when it’s time to check.

- A healthy testicle will have some bumps. That’s because of the tiny tube between the testicles and the penis that carries sperm out during ejaculation. It might feel like a marble or a pea, or even a lump of about an inch or so. The key is making sure the same bump (or similar bump) is on both sides.

- There might be some slight pain. It’s important to remember that the testicles are very sensitive, especially when they are being manipulated. Keep in mind that this might be uncomfortable, especially if a guy is really feeling around with intent, but it should not cause penis pain.

- The testicles should feel soft. Though it should be easy to grasp and manipulate each testicle, they should feel soft to the touch. A guy should be able to squeeze them and feel some "give" to the tissue. If they feel hard and solid, that’s cause for concern. It’s also cause for concern if they feel a bit heavier than usual, such as if they were filled with fluid.

- Testicle size should stay roughly the same. There’s a myth about testicles that say they can change size from month to month. Though there might occasionally be some small changes if a man has had vigorous sexual activity or has sustained some sort of injury, the testicles should usually be about the same size each time a man does the exam.

- Testicles should hang unevenly. The testicles move around in the scrotum. This allows them to move into certain positions to maintain a proper temperature. So it’s not unusual that one of them hangs lower than the other at any given moment. However, if one is hanging much lower than usual and causing penis pain, it’s time to see the doctor.

- Check out the penis, too. When manipulating the balls, make sure the penis is also included. It’s important to look for issues that might occur with the penis while testing the testicles, such as discharge from the tip of the penis, any sort of penis pain, or redness or swelling. These might indicate a problem that a guy couldn’t feel during the testicular exam.

- Stop worrying. It’s important to remember that testicular cancer happens to a very small number of men, and that most conditions that might seem to be cancer are actually not. The more a man worries about it, the more fixated on bad outcomes he can get.

Take Care of the Penis

As part of good self-care, a man should reach for a high-quality penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Find an oil that includes vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E, as well as good amino acids that will help smooth, ease, and heal the skin.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Creating the Handsome Penis Every Man Deserves

Every man wants to enjoy a handsome penis. But in order to achieve that, a man must first strive to simply have a healthy penis. Creating a handsome penis is a combination of dealing with the outside of the body as well as the inside, and doing all the right things to stay as healthy as possible. Here’s what a man needs to know about inside-out penis care.

1) Eat a healthy diet. It’s been said over and over, but it’s said so often for a reason: You are what you eat. What you put into your body directly affects every system of it, including the reproductive system and the skin - both of which matter when it comes to penis health. Good penis care should always include keeping a close eye on what’s on the plate, as this affects a man’s energy, his mental and emotional state, his physical health, and of course, his ability to perform for an eager partner. But what should a man be looking for in a healthy diet? It’s good to cut out fast foods, unhealthy fats, and salt, while replacing those things with a balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables, lean meats, and whole fruits.

2) Exercise on a regular basis. Exercise gets the blood pumping, and that matters when it comes to cardiovascular health - as well as penis health. Good penis care includes making sure the blood flow to the penis is strong, to allow for the best possible function. Hitting the gym a few times a week, taking a long walk after dinner, or even choosing the stairs rather than an elevator can help ensure that a man is getting in all the steps he needs to keep his heart pumping away as it should.

3) Stop smoking. Tobacco products can be very detrimental to the body, as the smoke creates damage to the heart, lungs, nerves, and everything in between. It can even have a serious effect on the skin, leading to wrinkles, premature aging, thinning, and more. These issues do not lead to a handsome penis! Besides that, smoking reduces a man’s stamina, and everyone knows that’s not a good thing when he’s got a willing partner waiting for him to jump in and play.

4) Watch out for UV rays. Interesting fact: Clothing doesn’t necessarily block all UV rays. Some still get through. That’s why it’s important to apply sunscreen when on the beach, even if that handsome penis is completely covered up. And of course if a man chooses to be more natural and let it all hang out, he will definitely need a high SPF sunscreen to use down there, as the last thing a handsome penis needs is a wicked sunburn!

5) Drink like crazy. No, not alcohol - water! A man should stay hydrated throughout the day for a multitude of reasons, including his overall physical health. Remember, our bodies are made up of mostly water. When there isn’t enough water going in, cells have trouble performing their essential functions. The result can be a sluggish, slow feeling as the body struggles to keep up. When it comes to penis care, remember that a handsome penis relies on the skin to be supple, soft, and hydrated. A man only gets that with some serious water intake.

6) Use a good penis health oil. A man can apply some of that hydration and good vitamins directly to the penis skin through the use of a top-quality penis health oil ( health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven mild and safe for skin ). He should look for an oil that promotes blood flow through ingredients like vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid, as well as one that promotes a handsome penis through proper skin hydration, with ingredients like shea butter and vitamin E.